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Aether's Official Release

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Aether's Official Release Empty Aether's Official Release

Aether's Official Release Cooltext225679513097316_zpsksh57f2u

Aether is an open social network for all.

Members can share posts, pictures, videos, and other media on the website, which can be voted up and replied to. All posts are public to the rest of the website by default, and are weighted by popularity and recency. The more replies and votes a post gets, the more visibility it has, shooting to the top of the website. The older a post is, regardless of popularity, the farther it will fall.

Aether also utilizes friend lists. That said, even if another user is not your friend, you will still see their posts, but the posts of 'friends' will have more priority over strangers.

Profiles have limited customization, allowing users to change colors and theming. Aether also supports instant and private messaging over the platform.

Enjoy Aether!

Posts : 13
Join date : 2017-01-12
Age : 31
Location : ?


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